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Sathya Sai Baba

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The Advent of Sathya Sai Baba

He was born in 1926 and named Sathya Narayana Raju.

In childhood, He was liked by everyone, because He was always kind, forgiving all offences from playmates, never “requiting evil with evil”. And more… in school, He entertained other pupils by giving them sweets, which He took out from an apparently empty bag, materializing them.

At the age of 14, He told His parents that He would not go to school any more, because He knew everything. And that He was a reincarnation of the well-known Muslim saint, Sai Baba (Baba means Father in Sanskrit), from the place called Shirdi. And that He wanted to leave His parents’ home in order to dedicate His life to helping people, preaching the Truth about God and about the Way of attainment of the Highest Freedom in Mergence with Him.

His years of childhood and adolescence are described in detail in a remarkable book of Samuel Sandweiss [4]; everyone interested can find this information there. I only want to notice, in order to help you understand the content of this book better, that Sathya Sai Baba, living in the shaivistic partly-pagan environment, did not oppose it. On the contrary, He supported people’s faith by materializing, for example, attributes of the shaivistic symbolism.

All preaching activity of Sathya Sai Baba includes demonstration of miracles by Him.

He did this even during His school years: He materialized sweets, pencils, rulers, and so on; He also won easily in running among other pupils by transporting instantly His body from the start to the finish.

In the following years, He converted adult atheists to believers, for example, by materializing in front of them, sitting at the table, the dishes which were “ordered” mentally by each one of them.

And now, materialization of various objects is a part of everyday activity of Sathya Sai Baba, by which He helps people to strengthen their religiousness.

As the preaching activity of Sathya Sai Baba developed, a group of faithful followers gathered around Him; an ashram was built, in which pilgrims could stay. Financial support from interested people made it possible to create in India a system of medical and educational institutions supervised by Sathya Sai Baba and to begin publishing books. Thanks to books and films, the name of Sathya Sai Baba is well-known now on all continents; He has millions of followers.

He brings to people salvation from the darkness of atheistic ignorance and religious misunderstanding. Let us — as souls — approach Him!